martes, 29 de enero de 2008

The Coffee Series (Turkish Black Coffee)

Morning, traffic jam, coffee...then LeGourde showed up:

Turkish Black Coffee

" I´m getting sick..."
I can feel it in my lungs.

"...hope is lost"
a charade that brings a cough.

Get a grip you idiot!!!
you´re not going to die.

Whait!!, that´s her car!!!´s a look-alike.

We waste our lives
in a traffic jam.

Seaking answers
to meaningless acts.

"Can´t you read the signs
or should I switch to tea.?"

You´re alright man,
you have showed her your heart.


martes, 22 de enero de 2008

The Coffee Series (Sunday´s Coffee and Milk)

9:35AM, alone, coffee, down on the floor...then LeGourde showed up:

Sunday´s Coffee and Milk

When the person you trust most
takes the drama to the extreme,

Things have to be done
in order for things to heal.

Take the time and step back
for a better view of the scene,

That person is not a lab rat,
but a puzzle that refuses to give in.

Not ready to forgive the past?
You´re afraid it might reapear.

I´ve told you 1,971 times
that I lied to you, but now I´m clean.

You´re a precious Jewel to me,
but with a flaw in your design.

I´ve shown the door that reveals it,
but I can´t push you to the light.


miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

The Coffee Series (Bitter Morning Cappuccino)

10 minutes alone, a Gas Station, an empty chair, coffee...then LeGourde showed up:

Bitter Morning Cappuccino

Now you have to leave,
but you just got here.

A mistery itself,
a mistery lies beneath.

We say "Goodbye",
before we say "Hello".

Don´t worry about me,
I´ll know when it´s time to go.

Courage is what we need,
not the shadows from the past.

A mighty heart is what I see,
and what is that you see in me.?

A sincere idiot is who I am.
You?, not pretty sure of what you are.

Is not gold what I offer you my dear,
but the chance you never had.
